The Tales of
Transchumance of
enormous puppets

The Tales of
Transchumance ofe
enormous puppets
Mask theatre, actors and giant puppets
Based on Yves Pinguilly tale
« Elephant first, elephant again »»
The way is long for those walkers in greed for shadows who left by the ‘no-return’ door of Mother Nature.
They crossed Africa by foot, on the nomad rhythm of those who do not own lands anymore.
Tonight, around the fire, the fetishes let the real world and the invisible world dance together on the Mask Dance and the one of the elephants. .
« The elephants are just like trees and like everyone else !
When it’s too hot, they dream of one single thing : Go bathing in the river.
In this season, the sun was heating us up so strongly that it boiled the pots and pans of the Sky and the Earth.
A few elephants, big, fat, grey, with long trunks and small bottoms, decided to go refresh themselves.
To have a better bath in the river, they undressed their elephants’ skins and became men and women. »
Actors : Yacouba Sawadogo et Léon Zongo
Craft of Masks : Olivier Hagenloch
Balafon : Dri Djibasso Dembele
Creation of the show
Artistic Director : Olivier Hagenloch
Direction of the actors : Marie Martine Robles
Puppets : Yacouba Sawadogo et Olivier Hagenloch
Costumes : Magali Leportier
Music : Dri Djibasso Dembele